Jamie Canaves

Jamie Canavés is the Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator and Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter writer–in case you’re wondering what you do with a Liberal Arts degree. She’s never met a beach she didn’t like, always says yes to dessert, loves ‘80s nostalgia, all forms of entertainment, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. You can definitely talk books with her on Litsy and Goodreads. Depending on social media’s stability maybe also Twitter and Bluesky.

Bust Out the Confetti: New Tana French in October

New Tana French novel coming in October: prepare the confetti cannons!

Hilarious Proof That INFINITY WAR is NOT the Most Ambitious Crossover

Twitter hilariously proves that INFINITY WAR is NOT the Most Ambitious Crossover in history thanks to mostly those who grew up in the '80s and '90s.

10 Dark Family Secrets For Mystery & Thriller Fans

Get the shovel ready we're digging to uncover dark family secrets for mystery & thriller fans.

Inclusive Mystery and Thrillers Coming Out January–March

Prepare your TBR for great mysteries and thrillers written by authors of color, LGBTQ+ authors, and marginalized voices releasing January - March, 2018.

10 Must-Read Suspense Stories

Get ready to do a lot of page-turning with these must-read suspense novels.

Read Harder: A Mystery by a Person of Color or LGBTQ+ Author

You're sure to find a great read in this list of mysteries written by a person of color or LGBTQ author which includes lot of subgenres and reading tastes.

Authors Celebrate Valentine’s Day with #valentinesyourbook

Add some book love to your Valentine's Day with #valentinesyourbook where authors describe their book using the "Roses are Red" format.

Suds Up: Book and Bath Bomb Pairings

Turn your tub into a magical reading experience with these book and bath bomb pairings!

Violence Towards Women In Thrillers: Some Numbers

With a new prize being awarded to thrillers without violence towards women in them, we looked for some numbers on violence towards women in thrillers.

Quiz: What Thriller Protagonist Are You?

Take this quiz and find out which thriller protagonist you are!