#video games

Up Your Geek Stats with an Insider Look at the World of Video Game Development

A look at a new book that explores the world of women who work in video game development.

Reading Makes Me a Better Gamer

One Rioter reflects on how her reading habit impacts her life as a gamer.

A Spoiler-Free, Book Lover’s Guide to Life is Strange

Late last year, a number of Young Adult authors were swooning over the video game Life is Strange, an episodic ...

5 Video Game Spin-offs and Continuations I’d Want As Comics

5 video game worlds that could and should be explored further in comics.

Comics to Read instead of Seeing PIXELS

Not feeling the movie PIXELS? Here are some comics you should check out instead.

The Best Video Games For Bookish Types

Because you can love books and video games. Live in a YA novel, discover porcine horrors, save a town, solve a mystery, enter the world of Jane Austen.

Video Games That Totally Deserve Graphic Novel Tie-Ins, And Who Should Write Them

Remember Me, The Banner Saga, Bastion, and more all deserve to be comics. Let's discuss who would write them best.

The Comics Games of The Internet Archive

This week, archive.org released a collection of over 2,300 MS-DOS games that can be played right through almost any browser. The ...

My Adventure with the Nintendo Comics System

As an American human male born in suburbia in the late 1980s, Mario has probably existed in my consciousness longer than any ...

When Authors Write Video Games

A little while ago, Neil Gaiman launched a cryptic website called Who Haunts Neil which offered nothing but a suggestion ...

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