
Your Batman Reading Order: How to Catch Up on The Dark Knight

Here's your Batman reading order to catch you up before the release of next year's feature film: The Batman.

Family Favorite Dick Grayson Stories

The family that Robins together stays together. For Robin's 80th, my family chose our favorite Dick Grayson stories to share with you!

Boys and Girls Wonder: Our Favorite Robins

Every comics reader who's delved into the BatVerse has a Robin Opinion. Here are three of ours.

A Brief History of Robin: Happy 80th to The Boy Wonder

In honor of his 80th birthday, a brief history of Robin.

Robins, Robins Everywhere: Fancasting The Boy Wonder’s Legacy

We're getting a new Batman so, while we're at it, how about an all new, all different BatFam? Call me, Warner Brothers. I have some ideas.

Taking the Circus Out of the Boy: Looking at Robin’s Changing Past in Comics

Taking a look at Batman and DC Comics' Dick Grayson, otherwise known as Robin, and his history in and out of the circus.

Dick Grayson vs. Toxic Masculinity

Why readers fear Dick Grayson, and what it means for Nightwing: The New Order.

The Potential of Annie: What Minor Batman Characters Can Inspire

Priya Sridhar focuses on a minor Batman character: Annie the strange homeless girl had a strange past and a sad ending.

No Context Given: Robin Gets Batman Good and Wet

    Two pages before this, Robin eats a hot dog with great enthusiasm. Detective Comics #571 (1987) Writer: Mike Barr, ...

Stephanie Brown and DC’s Treatment of Female Characters

Priya discusses the poor treatment of Stephanie Brown in DC Comics' history.