What does Harry Styles, policemen, and a 20-time Nobel Prize nominees have in common? One writer breaks it down.
Whether you love music, shows or memes; here are 10 great and fun bookmarks for pop culture lovers to enjoy!
With all of the wonderfully witchy witches in books these days, it can be hard to decide which one to read about next. Here's a little help.
A reader finally gets around to reading Station Eleven and ponders the changing impact of books over time.
Read your way into outstanding books for K-Drama fans, whether you're here for love, family sagas, the food, or a little of each.
Enjoy these bits of Sylvia Plath in pop culture, from movies and songs to inspired books and strange TV references.
Reading fan fiction is a really fun and fulfilling part of fandom. Here's a helpful guide to help you get started reading fan fiction.
These librarians in pop culture reflect aspects of the real job of a library professional, and here are their relatable on-screen moments.
Not liking something that's popular isn't a personality trait.
Here's all you need to know about Harry Potter music, including who wrote it, where you can buy it, and where to see it live.