#national book award

The 2018 National Book Award Longlist for Fiction

Your 2018 National Book Award longlist for fiction is here! Take a look.

The 2018 National Book Award Longlist for Nonfiction

The National Book Foundation has released its 2018 National Book Award longlist for Nonfiction. Check out the nonfiction works up for this year's award.

Announcing the 2018 National Book Awards Translated Literature Longlist

This just in! Check out the works in translation selected for the 2018 National Book Awards Translated Literature Longlist.

The National Book Award for Translated Literature

Does re-launching the National Book Award for Translated Literature make sense, or is it the wrong way to go about shining a light on translated works?

A New National Book Award and Another Strike for the New York Times

The National Book Awards add an award for work in translation, and the New York Times coverage of the announcement is not great.

The 2017 National Book Award Finalists

The fantastic finalists in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and young people's literature for the 2017 National Book Award.

The 10 Best Quotes at the National Book Award Ceremony

We went to the National Book Award Ceremony, and this is what we heard!

The National Book Award Young People’s Literature Long List

Check out the ten awesome books from the National Book Award Young People's Literature Long List!

100 Must-Read Almost-Prize-Winning Books

Excellent books that were short-listed for major literary awards (but didn't win)

Book Discovery Through Literary Awards | Part One

Every year (probably every day) more books are published than one person could possibly read. So how do we go ...

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