
Must-Read March New Releases

Rioters recommend the March new releases they're most excited for!

100 Must-Read World War II Books

Don't miss these 100 must read World War II books, including fiction, YA, history, memoir, and more.

50 Must-Read Contemporary Horror Novels

Being scared is fun! When the horror stays between the pages, that is. If you're on the hunt for nightmare fuel, look no further than these must-read contemporary horror novels.

100 Must Read Books with Love in the Title

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Gal-entine's Day, and the whole lovey dovey season. A comprehensive list of books with love in the title that covers everything from bell hooks to Ovid to Jenny Han.

100 Must-Read Books with Cats in Them

Calling all cat lovers! We've got 100 must-read books with cats, featuring some feisty, friendly (okay, maybe not so much) felines.

100 Must-Read Short YA Books Under 250 Pages

If you're looking for a good, quick read, try out one of these short YA books. All of the titles run at 250 pages or fewer, and range from one-sitting breezy reads to intense, literary experiences.

100 Must-Read Comics about Brave People Who Aren’t Superheroes

Not all heroes wear capes. These are 100 must-read comics about people who show their bravery in other ways.

100 Must-Read Sad Books that Make You Cry

if you need a good cry…go ahead, pick one of these up, and get to reading. Sad books that make you cry, for readers of all ages and lovers of all genres.

100 Must-Read Books about the Middle Ages

100 must-read books about the diversity, cultural exchanges, progress, and more lesser-known aspects of the Middle Ages.

100 Must-Read Picture Books from the Last 5 Years

A list of one hundred contemporary and must-read picture books published since 2013.