
A Round-Up of Films Inspired By Shakespeare

There might just be a film or two or several inspired by your favorite Shakespeare play -- and maybe many you didn't realize were.

The Trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story is Here!

Take a look at the newest trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story, the newest Star Wars film focusing on the earlier story of Hans Solo.

Happy Hitchcock-tober: 10 Books Celebrating the Master of Suspense

Books about the man, the myth, and the movies.

7 Comic Book Heroines Who Deserve Feature Films

The world needs more feature films with comic book heroines, and we have a few suggestions for who should get the next starring roles.

5 Books for People Who Loved OKJA

If you’ve watched the movie OKJA and now want to read something that captures part of its mood, here are some book suggestions.

7 Bollywood Movies to Watch If You Loved WHEN DIMPLE MET RISHI

Loved When Dimple Met Rishi? Watch these Bollywood movies!

The ALIEN Franchise is Now One Big FRANKENSTEIN Story

Put the ALIEN franchise up against Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN and prepare to be awed by their similarities.

Trailer Released for THE GLASS CASTLE

Take a first look at the trailer for the film adaption of Jeannette Walls' THE GLASS CASTLE!

My Top Five Onscreen Bookworms

The best onscreen bookworms. Do you have any favorites?

11 Novels That Need to Be Made into Movies, Like, Yesterday

Books that need to be made into movies (with our dream directors!)