Looking for a book to make you laugh, cry, and grow? Check out these 2020 new memoirs and personal essays that will take you on an emotional journey.
As the public conversations around mental health continue to grow, these new books about living with mental illness offer more insight.
Black History Month is the perfect time to read more about black Americans. Here is our list of some must-read black American memoirs that fit the bill.
These incisive memoirs by Black women cover everything from diet culture and beauty standards to marriage and motherhood, and more.
Memoirs by own voices authors resonate with readers who relate to the author's experience. Latinx authors are finally being heard with these Latinx memoirs.
Dive into the lives of these authors writing about racism, relationships, and growing up with these queer audiobook memoirs narrated by their authors.
From stories about commitment to faith to those about leaving the faith, learn more about the traditions in these religious memoirs for Read Harder 2020.
Love them, hate them, or think they're bad news for career writers, memoirs of the stars are on the rise. We're looking at the history of celebrity books.
These celebrities have some amazing stories to tell about their lives and, good news, you can read all about them in these memoirs by Latina actresses.
With fall comes a slew of notable new releases — including these compelling celebrity memoirs from some of Hollywood's biggest icons.