
Ellen Datlow Discusses Women in Horror

February was Women in Horror Month, and the first person I thought of when I heard this was Ellen Datlow ...

Three Essential Short-Story Magazines

In my younger and more vulnerable years, I used to subscribe to a number of magazines. Now, however, after two years ...

How I Fell for Horror

This is a guest post from Steph Auteri. She is a freelance writer and editor who has overshared in Virginia Quarterly ...

James Herbert: A Remembrance

March has been a rough month for the literary world, marking the deaths of both Chinua Achebe and James Herbert. ...

Movie to Book Recommendation Engine: The Devil’s Backbone

Ohhh, you guys. You guys. I’m properly excited to talk about today’s film and the books that go with it. ...

Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps): A Reading List

I heart scary books. This one time, I was home alone, reading From a Buick 8 by Stephen King. (If ...

The Death of Bram Stoker and the Birth of Horror

The deaths of famous people always seem more open-ended than our own. Whereas our deaths may be suffused with mystery, ...

Five Titles for Fall: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

…/Horror/Thriller/Speculative Fiction. As I perused the fall catalogs, I started to notice that these genres have the potential to overlap. ...

Pike v. Stine: Retro YA Thriller Throwdown

Have you wondered who was the better author of two; Christopher Pike or R.L.Stine? We have a guide for you!