
Get to Know 5 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Critics

From cultural criticism on race, gender, and more to nonfiction about caviar, get to know the works of these Pulitzer Prize-winning critics.

When An Author & An Online Critic Unite

What happens when an author reaches out to an online critic who gave his book a bad review and asks for help with the next book?

Overcoming Judging Books by Their Characters

Judging books by how likeable the characters are? Here's how one Rioter overcame it.

Women in Fiction Need More Than The Bechdel Test

Most are familiar with the Bechdel Test, named after Alison Bechdel. A work “passes” the test if it features at ...

Let’s Talk About “Censorship”

Last week, a fellow Rioter wrote a thought-provoking piece about why she couldn’t finish a reread of classic Gone With the ...

A Bookish Kind of Town

Anytime someone mentions my hometown of Baltimore, (or “Bawlmer,” as some say), you probably think of The Wire or John ...

Ode to Enthusiasm

This will come as no shock to the people who know me — people who have seen me dance for ...

Think More. Enthuse Less.

There are times when an issue will weigh heavily on your mind but you can’t quite get the words out. ...

Should You Feel Bad About Reading Stephen King?

Sometimes it’s interesting to watch a fight. That’s even more likely to be true if the fight is a literary ...