
10 Gothic Books in Honor of Mary Shelley

Creepy, gothic reads to celebrate Mary Shelley's upcoming 220th birthday.

5 Books to Read on Labor Day

Books to celebrate the American labor movement.

The Best Book Covers from Now Until 2018

Some of the most beautiful and best book covers to be seen from now until 2018, including books by Adam Silvera and Ilana Kurshan.

8 Rad Small Press Books To Check Out in July

New books coming out this month from small and independent presses.

Books My Students Most Frequently Stole From the Classroom

A high school English teacher shares the books from her classroom library that were so popular with her struggling readers that she never saw them again.

We Need To Stop Judging People Who Don’t Read A Lot

Judging people for not reading as much as we do will just make them want to read less.

Reading When Life Throws a Curveball

When life throws you a curveball, sometimes reading habits chance. Here are the books that I read during hard times.

7 Small Press Books You’ll Want to Read in June

Be the first of your friends to read these under-the-radar small press titles!

13 Awesome Audiobooks Read by Actors

The actors-as-narrators do these excellent books justice in the audiobook format. Give these audiobooks read by actors a listen!

Dos and Don’ts of Reading While Walking

Sometimes reading requires a bit of motion. Here are the dos and don't of reading while walking that will make sure you don't ruin the carpet.