The Most Influential Manga of All Time

The most influential manga of all time is the culmination of centuries of early Japanese art and emerged from the post-war era.

20 Must-Read Historical Horror Novels about Scares Dwelling in the Past

It's fun to look back and see historical events from a fresh perspective, especially when you throw in zombies or haunted houses!

9 Nonfiction Books About Nature That Will Make You Fall In Love With Planet Earth

Here are the best nonfiction books about nature you need to read — including eight titles that aren't Braiding Sweetgrass.

8 Disabled Poets to Add to Your Poetry Month TBR

These award-winning disabled poets write about their intersecting identities, examining how being disabled colors their experiences.

LANDBACK Magazine and the Fight for the Black Hills

LANDBACK Magazine is one of the NDN Collective's LANDBACK Campaign efforts. But what exactly is the LANDBACK movement?

8 Incredible Authors Like R.F. Kuang

Did you just finish Babel or The Poppy War and want something similar? Let's take a look at 8 amazing fantasy authors like R.F. Kuang!

8 Brilliant Books by Indian Authors Set In India

These books by Indian authors set in India offer a glimpse into the enormous diversity of this country and what it's like to live here.

How Writers Have Been Honored All Over the World

From Asia, Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere, here are writers honored with great fanfare in different parts of the world.

Black Voices in Speculative Short Fiction: The Rise of FIYAH

FIYAH magazine is a leading force in upending the racial status quo in publishing. Here's how it got started and how it's done so far.

Black Girls of YA Historical Fiction

These YA historical fictions show how Black girls have been smart and brave since there have been Black girls on this planet.