Riot Headline The Best Books of 2024

One Daily Schedule in Book Titles

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Kristen McQuinn

Staff Writer

Kristen McQuinn is a medievalist who dreams of reading more, writing more, and traveling more while being the best single mama by choice she possibly can be. By day, she can be found working with English teachers at the University of Phoenix, where she also teaches the occasional class on mythology, Shakespeare, or Brit lit. Sometimes she updates even her own blog. Follow her on Twitter:@KristenMcQuinn or  Twitter: @KristenMcQuinn

Have you ever had weird, random coincidences happen, sometimes for days on end? I’m sure you have. I don’t actually believe in coincidences, really, but sometimes I notice things and then can’t NOT notice them for a few days. The other day I was stumbling through my morning routine in a fog of confusion and fatigue when my eyes passed over a book on my TBR next to my bed. I don’t recall what the title was, but for that moment of that day, it seemed remarkably appropriate. A day or so later, a similar thing happened. It kept happening – I kept seeing book titles that were appropriate to my actions at the time. Maybe the actual story of the book wasn’t relevant, but the title sure was. I was inordinately amused.

So over a few days, I started thinking about it a little more deliberately. The result is this little experimental post. I created my daily schedule using just the (mostly) fiction books I had in my own home. Apparently, my daily routine in book titles looks like this:

5:00 am wake-up: When She Woke

Getting ready for work: Uglies, followed by Pretties

Morning cup of tea: Cup of Blood

6:00 commute: Commuters: A Novel

6:30 – 11:00 work day, part 1: Grimspace; Better to Beg Forgiveness…

11:00 lunch: Hunger; Back to the Good Fortune Diner

12:00 – 3:00, work day, part 2 (mostly waiting until it’s time to go home): The Joy of Laziness; Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace; Then We Came to the End

3:00 commute home: Will Work from Home: Earn the Cash Without the Commute

4:00/ eveningish, playing with my kid: Highly Illogical Behavior; Monstrous Little Voices

Evening chores and housework, trying to do everything else: A Plague on Both Your Houses; Everything, Everything; Hausfrau

6:30 – 7:30 cook dinner: When In Doubt, Add Butter; The Mistress of Spices; The Burning Times

8:00 bedtime routine for the kid: Bed Bed Bed; Go the Fuck to Sleep




9:00 fun for myself? Party of One; The Lost Recipe for Happiness; Women Who Run with the Wolves

11:00 bed time for Mama: The Rising of the MoonMidnight Never Come

Anyone else want to take a stab at your own schedules in book titles? I’d love to see what you come up with!