One Daily Schedule in Book Titles
Have you ever had weird, random coincidences happen, sometimes for days on end? I’m sure you have. I don’t actually believe in coincidences, really, but sometimes I notice things and then can’t NOT notice them for a few days. The other day I was stumbling through my morning routine in a fog of confusion and fatigue when my eyes passed over a book on my TBR next to my bed. I don’t recall what the title was, but for that moment of that day, it seemed remarkably appropriate. A day or so later, a similar thing happened. It kept happening – I kept seeing book titles that were appropriate to my actions at the time. Maybe the actual story of the book wasn’t relevant, but the title sure was. I was inordinately amused.
So over a few days, I started thinking about it a little more deliberately. The result is this little experimental post. I created my daily schedule using just the (mostly) fiction books I had in my own home. Apparently, my daily routine in book titles looks like this:
5:00 am wake-up: When She Woke
Getting ready for work: Uglies, followed by Pretties
Morning cup of tea: Cup of Blood
6:00 commute: Commuters: A Novel
6:30 – 11:00 work day, part 1: Grimspace; Better to Beg Forgiveness…
11:00 lunch: Hunger; Back to the Good Fortune Diner
12:00 – 3:00, work day, part 2 (mostly waiting until it’s time to go home): The Joy of Laziness; Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace; Then We Came to the End
3:00 commute home: Will Work from Home: Earn the Cash Without the Commute
4:00/ eveningish, playing with my kid: Highly Illogical Behavior; Monstrous Little Voices
Evening chores and housework, trying to do everything else: A Plague on Both Your Houses; Everything, Everything; Hausfrau
6:30 – 7:30 cook dinner: When In Doubt, Add Butter; The Mistress of Spices; The Burning Times
8:00 bedtime routine for the kid: Bed Bed Bed; Go the Fuck to Sleep
9:00 fun for myself? Party of One; The Lost Recipe for Happiness; Women Who Run with the Wolves
11:00 bed time for Mama: The Rising of the Moon; Midnight Never Come
Anyone else want to take a stab at your own schedules in book titles? I’d love to see what you come up with!