Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer
Comics/Graphic Novels

Off-Panel: November 4, 2014

Paul Montgomery

Staff Writer

In addition to comics, Paul thrills to Frank Capra and kaiju movies, crime fiction, TV dramas, professional wrestling, and whatever the Muppets are doing at any given time (hopefully in combination with those other things). He tweets as @fuzzytypewriter

“IDW Publishing will release print collections of titles from Thrillbent, the digital comics site founded by Mark Waid and John Rogers, beginning in the spring with Empire Volume Two and Insufferable. Under the partnership, IDW will also publish a new edition of the sold-out Empire Volume One.”

IDW Publishing will print Thrillbent’s line of digital comics.



Cover by Tim Lane (Fantagraphics)

For a digest of comics stories and intricate, free-standing illustrative work called The Lonesome Go, St. Louis artist and writer Tim Lane profiles familiar, typically unshaven folk: bar flies, train-hopping drifters, biker types. His subjects aren’t often shackled to homes or jobs, and in turn, Lane doesn’t weigh them down with backstories or peripheral details. Travel and highways are frequent motifs — everybody’s moving. There are buses, boats, rail lines, gas stations, pickup trucks, and long road trips. Lane’s weathered characters lumber in and out of motels and half-empty saloons on these big, black-and-white pages; they slip suddenly into surreal predicaments, where the pen strokes prove elastic and unpredictable.”

Dominic Umile examines Tim Lane’s The Lonesome Go anthology from Fantagraphics.


“The history of the DC Comics multiverse is a long and troubled one; since its inadvertent birth, it’s been a bit of a mess, and from time to time somebody comes along and tries to clean it up, usually further complicating things.

Since that statement can be interpreted as an in-story or out-of-story descriptor, we’ll just leave it at that.” offers some suggested reading for those curious about DC Comics’ newly announced Convergence event. 



John Philip Johnson and Julian Peters

“What we’re doing is almost a new art form. We’re combining poetry and graphics. It’s kind of like the graphic novel, but we’re doing graphic poetry. These collaborations combine poems that I’ve been fortunate to publish in top venues, along with these fantastic artists’s interpretations. The resulting work is not just an illustration of a poem; it is a partnership that combines both talents into one singular experience.”

Poet John Philip Johnson and artists like Julian Peters have teamed up to create “graphic poetry.”