
Need Gift Book Ideas for Moms, Dads, and Grads?

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the executive director of product and ecommerce at Riot New Media Group. She co-hosts All the Books! and the Book Riot Podcast. Follow her on Twitter: @rebeccaschinsky.

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Tis the season of “I don’t just want to send flowers,” and “He doesn’t need another necktie!” We all know that books make the best gifts, but finding the best books? Well, that’s another matter!

We’ve made a tradition out of taking reader requests for recommendations on the Book Riot Podcast, and we’re going to continue the fun this year! If you’re stumped on a book to buy for a mom, dad, or grad in your life–or, heck, if you just want some fun summer reading picks from the gang here at Book Riot–ask away!

Leave your gift book-buying conundrums in the comments below, or shoot us an email at, and let us know if you’d prefer to stay anonymous. Get your questions in by Monday, April 27th, and we’ll get to cooking.


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