#Science Fiction/Fantasy

Space! Dragons! Space dragons (that’s a thing)! Welcome to the sci-fi and fantasy corner of Book Riot, where we discuss the best fantasy book series (and best fantasy books that standalone–yes, those do exist), YA sci-fi, science fiction books for kids, cozy sci-fi (also a thing!), and more. Grab your sword and hop in the spaceship: let’s get reading.

The Genius of The Dark Tower

Your Middle Earth Race, Based on Your Hogwarts House

Ravenclaw? Elves. Hufflepuffs? Hobbits.

Excellent Books About Monsters

Books about vampires, werewolves, and other baddies for your TBR.

Two-Fer: Magic and Horrible Mothers

In these two modern fairy stories, both near and dear to my heart, the mothers have a lot more in common with Mommie Dearest than with Lily Potter.

Why You Should Read Weird Fiction

In praise of weird fiction (with reading recommendations)!

The Genesis of Science Fiction

On the idea that science fiction didn't begin in the 17th or 18th centuries, but with our first myths thousands of years ago.

Filled with Determination: UNDERTALE’s Comic Fan Art

Priya discusses the comic fan art that surrounds the video game UNDERTALE.

5 Queer Comics for Sci-Fi Fans

Looking for LGBTQ+ comics? We've got a few great choice for fans of science fiction.

If You Like Historical Fiction and The Classics, You’ll Like Sci-Fi

How reading the classics and historical fiction prepares you to read and love science fiction.

Genre Kryptonite: Magic School Stories