
And Another Thing: On Tokenistic Writing

On authors adding token characters so their work can be marketed as "diverse."

Let’s Stop Shaming Little Boys Who Read About Girls

Little boys are shamed out of enjoying “girly” books. But how can we expect them to learn empathy when they hear that girls' stories don't matter?

What Makes Writing Sensual?

Rethinking what makes writing sensual based on an experience with a poem.

Spider-Women: Which Web To Weave?

Genre Kryptonite: Boy Heroes


Panelteer Kris reviews THE SPECTATORS by Victor Hussenot from Nobrow Press.

On The Inevitable Whitewashing of Summer Reading Lists

On the inevitability of- and problems with- whitewashed summer reading.

Why Bookish Lists Do Not Signal Armageddon

On how bookish lists can enrich your reading life (and aren't the end of literary discourse).

Why Immigrant Stories Are Awesome

Why one Rioter can't get enough of fiction about the immigrant experience.

TBR Lists Are Too Much Commitment

Why one Rioter has ditched the TBR.