
On Reviews of Books About the Black Experience in America

Books that speak to the black experience in America are derided by people who have no first hand knowledge of that experience.

Genre Kryptonite: Summer Friendships

Excellent books about the unique intensity of summer friendships.

Genre Kryptonite: Introspective Heroines

One Rioter on her weakness for books with quiet, shy heroines.

Leave No Trace: Why Readers Should Not Troll Library Books

An appeal to those compelled to leave their thoughts behind in public books: don't.

Is Jughead the True Star of ARCHIE #1?

We focus on the TRUE star of ARCHIE #1--#cuteJughead (vs. #hotArchie)

Cover Art Comparison: US versus UK Editions

Comparison of cover art in US and UK versions of popular novels.

Is Our Concept of “Well-Read” Elitist?

Is our current concept of what it takes to be well-read based on classism?

Adult Fiction Needs More Animals

Why adult fiction needs more animal main characters and voices.


Panelteer Kris on SUPERMUTANT MAGIC ACADEMY and how it relates to his teen years.

THE BLACK HOOD #1 is Everything I Wanted

One Panelteer discusses THE BLACK HOOD #1 by Duane Swierczynski, Michael Gaydos, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Rachel Deering.