
What My Coffee Table Books Say About Me

No, Your Book Is Not the “Next Harry Potter”

Nothing makes me want to skip a book more than it claiming to be next Harry Potter.

In Praise of Expanded Universes

Why tie-in novels of sci-fi/fantasy/otherwise fictional universes are valuable.

In Praise of the Anti-Heroine

Why the anti-heroine is so important in fighting sexism in literature and society.

The Killing Joke’s Impact And Why It Must Fade

Priya Sridhar discusses the impact of the graphic novel The Killing Joke in how it defined the grim and gritty Joker, and his victims like Barbara Gordon.

An Open Letter to Authors At Tables In Bookstores

The less you push, the more you might achieve

It’s Time to Retire the Punisher

Genre Kryptonite: Non-Celebrity Memoirs

Excellent non-celebrity memoirs.

I Read the Natalie Portman and Jonathan Safran Foer Emails and I Have Questions

A beloved novelist and a brilliant actress emailed. We have questions.

Fears and Failings: Examining Vulnerability in Writing Superheroes

Ryan takes a look at how writing superheroes can be informed by personal experiences, and how they can force a person to examine their own vulnerability.