#Comics/Graphic Novels

We love capes and tights, we love graphic memoirs, we love web comics– we love it all! Stick around for comic book news, adaptation updates, and (of course) comics recommendations. That includes manga and manhwa too!

Awesome Bookish Lamps

Electric lighting has been an enormous boon to readers. Before its advent, reading after dark meant squinting in the flickering ...

Reimagining Folk and Fairy Tales (with Kink, Joy, Nudity)

Reinterpreting myths, fairy tales, and folk tales is way more than a cottage industry—a castle industry?—in publishing these days. From ...

Your Guide to Summer Movies Based on Comics

If my allergies are any indication, spring has officially sprung! And that means the Summer Blockbuster season is right around ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: May 7, 2013

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback.

Your Guide to Summer Movies Based on Books

Hey, did you hear? The Great Gatsby is going to be a movie! I kid — I’m sure you’ve heard, ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: April 30, 2013

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback.

Life Lessons from Archie and the Gang

Other people grew up Marvel or DC, I grew up Archie. I started reading Archie comics so long ago, I ...

LIKE CLOCKWORK and the Reboot of Serial Novels

There’s something romantic about a serialised novel. It has a whiff of the Victorian about it, the tang of the ...

They’re (Paper) Ba-ack: April 2, 2013

Tuesday is New Book Day. We celebrate each week by highlighting titles we’re excited to see arrive in paperback. [cycloneslider ...

The Importance of Endings

A little while ago on Twitter, Joe Hill mentioned that after years of work, he had written the very last ...