I’m cheating a little with this one. See, the National Library of Israel is definitely a cool bookish place, but ...
Little did I know that when I went looking for the oldest bookstore in the world, I would find, just ...
Last week, I found what I thought might be the coolest kids’ bookstore in the world. Come to find out, ...
Important question: Is there anything better in this world than an old train converted into a bookstore? Answer: NOPE! Look, ...
If I were a kid, my dream bookstore would look something like Kid’s Republic. Dozens of reading nooks of all ...
For book lovers, beach reading is just about as good as it gets. The only bad part is that moment ...
A few months ago, I wrote about a small, portable reading room called “The Read Nest.” Now, I have ...
We hear a lot about bookstores closing these days: many indies, your neighborhood Barnes & Noble maybe, and, well, every ...
In 1889, British Prime Minister William Gladstone got out a wheelbarrow and began moving his personal collection of 32,000 books ...
Awesome off-the-beaten-path bookish places to visit in the UK.