#Comics Newsletter

50 Best Manga You Must Read Right Now

New to reading manga and don't know where to start? Want to find a new series to dive into? Here's a list of the 50 best manga to add to your reading list.

15 Of The Best Fantasy Manga: Classics And New Stories

Fantasy manga is a remarkable art form that inspires creators everywhere, in both Asia and the Western world. Here's some of the best.

10 of the Best Manga Reader Sites and Apps to Feed Your Need

Are you interested in reading manga online? These are the best manga reader sites and apps to help you find manga to read digitally!

Summer 2020 YA Comics and Graphic Novel Releases

Pack your summer TBR with these new summer 2020 YA comics and graphic novel releases!

Lantern Lessons: What We’ve Learned From the Corps

We've been celebrating Green Lantern's 80th anniversary with a host of content. Here's what we learned from the exploratory process.

My Favorite Lady Lanterns: Jessica, Jo, and Kim

Many Lady Lanterns have come and gone over the years and, in celebrating Green Lantern's 80th anniversary, we dedicate some air time to them.

From Upset to Zealous: Comics Representing Emotions for Comics A-Z

Continuing Comics A-Z, these comics represent a range of emotions, from upset to zeal.

Why NIMONA Is Important to Me

Charlotte discusses why NIMONA by Noelle Stevenson is important to her.

21 Books About the Women of LUMBERJANES

Who are the women behind the names? Collected here are books by or about the women of LUMBERJANES, the contemporary and historical figures named in the first six volumes.

8 Underrated Romance Manga: Fame, Demons, and High School

In love with love? This winter season get ready to pick up and read these 8 underrated romance manga with a hot cup of tea and some cookies.

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