The Book Riot Podcast, #62: Blushing on the Radio
The Book Riot Podcast, Episode #62: Blushing on the Rado
This week, Jeff and Rebecca talk about Kindle Unlimited, Marvel’s increasing diversity, new Harper Lee drama, new books, and more. This week’s episode is sponsored by and Random House Audio and 99designs, the #1 marketplace for graphic design. Visit and enjoy the $99 savings!
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Links discussed in the show:
Flavorwire: The 35 Writers Who Run the Literary Internet
Marvel’s new Thor will be a woman
Amazon working on Kindle Unlimited subscription service
S&S now also in talks with Amazon
Harper Lee says new biography was unauthorized
Cool thing:
New books discussed in the show:
The Mockingbird Next Door: Life with Harper Lee by Marja Mills
Dirty Wings by Sarah McCarry
The Removers by Andrew Meredith
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