How To Make The Holidays Have A More Bookish Bent
Chatting around the Book Riot water cooler (dispensing book club wine and witty literary rejoinders since the late aughts), this tweet came sailing across our collective radar.
Instead of putting 💰 under your child's pillow, leave him or her a new book! #NationalToothFairyDay
— Random House Group (@randomhouse) August 22, 2018
That got us thinking, what other holidays and events could we turn more bookish? I took it upon myself to reimagine a more literary holiday calendar.
New Years Day: Carve champagne flutes out of hardbacks. Chuck paperbacks instead of confetti at midnight!
Valentines Day: Chocolates filled with tiny books!
Groundhog Day: Stick a book in the ground! Lift it out! If it sees its shadow, it’s six more weeks of reading!
Mardi Gras: Show us your…tipped-in pages! Saucy!
Presidents Day: Fake Books
Daylight Savings Begins: Read one page ahead in your current book in progress.
St. Patrick’s Day: Dye all your pages green!
Arbor Day: Plant a book!
Easter: Place individual pages in plastic eggs and have a hunt to reassemble the book!
Cinco de Mayo: Book chips and guac!
Summer Solstice: Book Bonfire…wait, no, that’s Fahrenheit 451.
Independence Day: Coat pages with phosphorescent gunpowder! Book Sparklers!
Senior Citizen’s Day: Visit a local senior center and volunteer to read because, hey, sometimes it’s important to do something kind (and I’d want someone to do it for me).
Labor Day: Lift books! Heavy books!
Halloween: Hand out horror comics instead of candy! Better yet, hand out dog-eared copies of those “special” books you keep in your nightstand! They want to be scared? Let their imaginations chew on that.
Daylight Savings Ends: Read one page back in your current book in progress.
Thanksgiving: Make a Diccyloperiodical (that’s a dictionary stuffed with an encyclopedia stuffed with a magazine).
Christmas: Books! On! Ice!
That’s not to say that the original Tweet isn’t without merit. After all, who wants to wake up to a couple of bucks and a pack of gum when they could get be getting a new Babysitter’s Club graphic novel?
What are your favorite book-bent holiday traditions?