Sharanya Sharma

Growing up, Sharanya Sharma was frequently caught leaving home and tumbling into places like Hogwarts, Prydain, and Frell. These days, she spends most of her time running around after (adorable) children in Washington, DC, trying to teach them things like math and social studies and reading. Especially reading. All of her spare time (and change) is spent in bookstores, inhaling books and coffee. She's had a life-long love affair with middle-grade and YA lit, and hopes to write her own novel(s) in those genres some day. Blog: Inkstinedreads Twitter: @srsharms

When the Reality of a Book Doesn’t Meet Expectations

8 Books for People who Love BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER

A Round-Up of Awesome Asian American Protagonists in YA Lit

How Do You Decide Your Next Book?

To the Series I Haven’t Finished

8 YA Heroines You’ll Love as Much as Wonder Woman

In Defense of “Other Girls” in YA

When Beloved Favorites Change in a New Era

Why I Love Re-Reading Books

How Romance Helps Post-Slump Reading