Sarah Hannah Gómez

Formerly a school librarian, Sarah Hannah Gómez is a doctoral candidate at the University of Arizona, studying children's and young adult literature with a minor in social, cultural, and critical theory. Find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Clubhouse @shgmclicious

Autofiction is Cheating, and You Cannot Change My Mind

What am I supposed to do with autofiction? Where is it shelved, literally and mentally? Is it memoir or fiction? Pick a lane.

8 Books About Cutthroat Academic Environments

If you liked watching OPERATION VARSITY BLUES recap the college admissions bribery scandal, read these 8 books about cutthroat academics.

Quiz: Get In Touch With Your Middle School Self and Get a Book Recommendation

Give us the good and bad of your middle school experience, we'll give you the perfect tween read for you and your inner tween.

The Proof is in the Audio: How Proof Listeners Make Sure the Audiobook Matches the Print

Have you ever wondered who's responsible for making sure an audiobook matches the print? It's proof listeners!

What If I’m Not the Center of the Universe? Access to YA and Translated Lit

A reader contends with her place as an ugly American and a non-adolescent while considering access to translated literature and YA books.

Brown For No Reason: Finding Books When Brandy Cinderella is Your Lodestar

One reader on searching for books with Disney style stories where brown people get to exist in made-up worlds without dealing with racism.

Academic Libraries Aren’t Just for Writing Papers

Cast aside your assumptions about academic libraries. You'd be surprised what absolute gems of nerdery you can find in a college library.

Your Next 2 Reads, Based On Your Favorite Type of Exercise

Gym rat, barre babe, or workout junkie--whoever you are, we have two books for you: one for beast mode, one for cross train and recovery.

Does It Matter That Roald Dahl’s Family is “Sorry”?

Does it mean anything to apologize for virulent bigotry on someone else's behalf?

Dear Hiring Manager: Please Interview My Goodreads Account, Not Me

Instead of asking canned, cliché interview questions, can you just look at my reading log?