Rebecca Renner
Rebecca Renner is a writer and editor out of South Florida. Her essays have been featured in the Washington Post, New York Magazine, and Glamour. A seventh-generation Floridian, Rebecca's main area of study has been the ecology, culture, and downright weirdness of her home. When not reading, hiking, blogging, traveling, exploring, or playing with her dog Daisy Buchanan (and never sleeping!), Rebecca binge watches TV shows like The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and plots world domination via Twitter.
Twitter: @RebeccaRennerFL
10 Climate Change Books to Help You Understand Our Environment
Rebecca Renner
January 10, 2019
The effects of climate change are already here. One thing you can do right now is to educate yourself by reading climate change books.
RIP Tin House: Legendary Literary Magazine to End Print Run
Rebecca Renner
December 15, 2018
As a young creative writing student, Tin House was the first literary magazine a professor ever gave me, and it was ...
In Defense of Ugly Bullet Journaling
Rebecca Renner
December 10, 2018
Want a bookish Bullet Journal, but are intimated by the picture-perfect ones on Instagram? Let's talk about ugly Bullet Journals.
Fiction Audiobooks to Help You with Your Resolutions
Rebecca Renner
December 7, 2018
Whether you want to devote more time to self-care, read more, learn a new skill--there's a fiction audiobook to help you stick with your goals.
Literary Cocktail Books to Celebrate the End of Prohibition
Rebecca Renner
December 5, 2018
Let's celebrate the anniversary of the end of Prohibition, and test kitchen a few boozy recipes, with these literary cocktail books.
25 of the Best Book Quotes About Falling in Love
Rebecca Renner
November 19, 2018
For those moments when you're too dumbstruck by love to find your words, climb that balcony and turn to these romantic book quotes about falling in love.
Sick Lit: 5 Memoirs About Struggling with Illness
Rebecca Renner
November 16, 2018
I don’t look sick. But there are days, even whole weeks, when I can barely get out of bed. I ...
GAME OF THRONES Season 8 Release Return Date Finally Announced
Rebecca Renner
November 13, 2018
The final season of GAME OF THRONES will air April 2019!
Stan Lee, Beloved Marvel Co-Creator, Has Died
Rebecca Renner
November 12, 2018
Stan Lee, who started Marvel in 1961 with co-creator Jack Kirby, has passed away at age 95.
The Leader of a Religious Group Burned These LGBTQ Books — Let’s Buy Them!
Rebecca Renner
October 24, 2018
The leader of a religious group in Iowa burned these LGBTQ kids books, so we've got an idea: let's go out and pick up copies of these excellent reads.
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