Rachel Weber

Rachel Weber is rarely seen without books, lipstick or her French Bulldog sidekick, Batman. She's never met a refined carbohydrate she didn't like, loves a pop ballad and is a sucker for TV shows about rich people. She's from England, lives in San Francisco and writes about video games. Yes, that is an actual job.   Twitter: @therachelweber

Horror: It’s Not All White Dudes

Diversifying your horror reading may not seem the easiest task, but one Rioter is reaping the rewards of looking beyond the usual suspects.

Genre Kryptonite: I Will Read Your Diary

Why one reader can't resist reading diaries.

True Crime Reader’s Guilt

Or why this Rioter is worried you think she's a serial killer with a murder cellar.

Books for Anglophiles and Homesick British Expats

I’ve been living in the United States for almost two years now and after a childhood full of Saved By ...

Why I Keep Googling Sheep

Sometimes a book comes along that speaks to parts of you that you didn’t know existed. I just finished one ...

Writers’ Spaces: Where The Magic Happens

If you’re a famous author and you’re planning to invite me to a house party, prepare to find me shiftily ...

3 Pee-Your-Pants Horror Podcasts

I’m a hardcore horror girl, there isn’t an entrail I haven’t enjoyed seeing splattered onto a wall or floor, but ...

Animals and Crying: A Guide

If you find me sat at my laptop, tears and eyeliner streaming down my puffy face, the chances are you’ve ...

Guillermo del Toro’s Favourite Books

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of ...

The Best Stephen King Book You Haven’t Read

I always considered myself something of a King fan, I’d gorged on the horrors of It and The Tommyknockers and ...