Nicole Hill

An aspiring Golden Girl, Nicole Hill is a former journalist and forever writer whose home is equal parts pet rescue and personal library. Nicole lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and growing canine and feline brood. Please send any and all book recs and review copies to

Reading Pathways: Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Get into the works of Silvia Moreno-Garcia, a prolific and excellent writer of speculative and other fiction like Mexican Gothic.

8 Elemental Fantasies to Read After Your AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER Rewatch

Here are 8 more elemental fantasy books (a mix of YA and adult) that dabble with the elements for fans of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER.

8 International Adventure Stories for Kids

There are globe-trotting adventures to be had, even from your living room, with these middle grade international adventure books.

8 Asexual Books to Help You Celebrate Pride Month

Aromantic. Asexual. Demisexual. Gray asexual. The vocabulary around ace identities is relatively new compared to other segments of the LGBTQIA+ ...

10 LGBTQIA+ Fantasy and Sci-Fi Adventures to Take You Far From Here

Take a break from reality and let the fantastic come to life with these transportive LGBTQ+ fantasy and sci-fi adventures.

Give Me More Sirens in Fantasy

Every few years, the winds of YA fantasy change. Here's one hope for the next trendy It Creature: sirens.

10 Great Microhistories for This Moment

These microhistories for this moment focus their precise, thorough sights on certain aspects of our current socially distanced, pandemic reality.

20 Must-Read Free Classics You Can Find on Project Gutenberg

Catch up on the classics and let us help you sift through countless titles with this list of great free classics on Project Gutenberg.

The Different Types of Book Formats Explained

You love books. But how much do you know about them? Dive in to the various book formats.

15 Magical Books Like Harry Potter for Adults

Did you grow up with the Boy Who Lived? You can re-read the series or you can check out these books like Harry Potter for adults.