A new report released by CLPE and Booktrust, which reviewed children’s books published in the UK during 2017, has thrown the ...
When a reread of BLACK BEAUTY gives you actual hope for the future (even in 2018, yep). On finding social justice themes in BLACK BEAUTY.
As this Rioter reflects there’s something about existing in a space and then reading it through the eyes of another. She’s ...
Put down your bow, pick up these books about violins and violinists.
If, like me, your own property is a Pinterest fantasy, I'm going to guess you have to move house a lot. Here's how to make the move work..
So what do you read when you don't know what to read? This reader says, A LITTLE LOVE SONG by Michelle Magorian, that's what.
I'm sorry, I can't come to the phone right now. Why? I'm too busy checking these indie British kid's publishers out on Insta.
Recommended reading about the women of Hollywood's Golden Age musicals.
I first came across the work of Roland Barthes, literary theorist and wearer of many other hats, in the dizzy, ...
From stuffed toy disasters to a Jazz influenced fairytale the great Shirley Hughes has written about it all. Here's five of our favourites. (And yes, Dogger's in there).