Jessica Tripler

Jessica Tripler is an academic who lives in Maine. Follow her on Twitter @jessicatripler.

On Outlander, Romance, and Diana Gabaldon

Why Diana Gabaldon should embrace the romantic elements of Outlander.

It’s Not You, It’s Me: Nine Things I’m So Over in Romance Novels

A romance novel reader lists 9 things that drive her crazy about her favorite genre.

Why I Didn’t Love ME BEFORE YOU

A reader's critical reaction to the portrayal of disability in Me Before You.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Coming to HBO

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is coming to HBO, starring Oprah.

Book Recs for #My5WordRomanceNovel Tweets

Book recommendations based on the #My5WordRomanceNovel hashtag.

5 (Short) Philosophical Books for These Challenging Political Times

Like most people, I’m watching the US presidential primary season with a mixture of emotions, most of them negative. The ...

Romance on Audio: Ten Terrific Narrators

Romance novels can pose some special challenges in audiobook format. For one thing, most have rapidly alternating male and female ...

10 Painless Ways to Stick to Your Book Buying Ban

It’s January, and you’re trying to hold off on buying new books for a while. If you’re like me, you ...

Some Like It Hot: The Literary Function of Sex Scenes in Romance

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of ...

Let’s Hear it for the Earls

Gambling, secret societies, piratical beards. Who needs dukes when you can have earls? There were maybe a couple dozen English, ...

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