Jessica Plummer

Jessica Plummer has lived her whole life in New York City, but she prefers to think of it as Metropolis. Her day job is in books, her side hustle is in books, and she writes books on the side (including a short story in Sword Stone Table from Vintage). She loves running, knitting, and thinking about superheroes, and knows an unnecessary amount of things about Donald Duck. Follow her on Twitter at @jess_plummer.

No Context Given: THE FLASH #106

Barry Allen: selfless hero, loving husband, genius.

Dreamcasting the Dream-Come-True Supergirl Show

When I heard that CBS had a series commitment for a Supergirl TV show, I may have screamed a little. ...

Off the Page: Before Superman

What makes a superhero? Superman’s generally accepted as the first superhero. But he wasn’t the first crimefighter with extraordinary powers; ...

Yep. That Happened: Double Dinah Dilemma

Comics have long struggled with the issue of characters aging. Some heroes get frozen in ice to stay young, some ...

Yep. That Happened: The Corporate Crusader Meets the Great Communicator

“Booster Gold” is a pretty ridiculous superhero name. It’s fitting for a pretty ridiculous superhero, but even so, it’s odd, ...

The Ballad of Barry Allen: The CW Musical Extravaganza That Needs to Happen

If you have even a passing interest in musical theater, you may have noticed that Arrow and Flash – or ...

Throwback Thursday: Superman, Golden Age-Style

I have a dream: to read every DC comic ever. It is a ridiculous, implausible dream, but it’s mine, and ...

Our Reading Lives: Comic Book Stores I Have Known

My first comics came off the rack by the register at the Key Food on Atlantic Avenue, Betty and Veronica ...

NYCC, Cosplay, and Me

In 2006, I attended the very first New York Comic Con, and my first comic book convention ever. I was ...


Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman! Most people know those familiar opening lines. ...