Barry Allen: selfless hero, loving husband, genius.
When I heard that CBS had a series commitment for a Supergirl TV show, I may have screamed a little. ...
What makes a superhero? Superman’s generally accepted as the first superhero. But he wasn’t the first crimefighter with extraordinary powers; ...
Comics have long struggled with the issue of characters aging. Some heroes get frozen in ice to stay young, some ...
“Booster Gold” is a pretty ridiculous superhero name. It’s fitting for a pretty ridiculous superhero, but even so, it’s odd, ...
If you have even a passing interest in musical theater, you may have noticed that Arrow and Flash – or ...
I have a dream: to read every DC comic ever. It is a ridiculous, implausible dream, but it’s mine, and ...
My first comics came off the rack by the register at the Key Food on Atlantic Avenue, Betty and Veronica ...
In 2006, I attended the very first New York Comic Con, and my first comic book convention ever. I was ...
Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman! Most people know those familiar opening lines. ...