The TV adaptation of Good Omens is a joy to behold and there's fanart to prove it. Enjoy this collection of Good Omens art from across the internet!
This is the story of how a couple of nerd pals accidentally self-serialized a sci-fi/fantasy time travel romance mashup through social reading.
Actor. Fan art enthusiast. Frequent statesman. Charitable ambassador. Defender of fandom. Actual angel. Enjoy this list of Michael Sheen's bookish roles.
My newest personal reading trend is to find full albums that create a super chill atmosphere without one skip. Here are my go-to full albums for reading.
I read It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis for the first time in the summer of 2016 and it ...
Time Travel Books: Characters that are out of their own time, loved ones left behind (or forward) in time, paradoxes. The angst goes on and on.
If you're a fan of fantastic, reimagined cityscapes, check out these wonderfully gritty fantasy novels with urban settings.
Looking for books for the 2019 Read Harder Challenge task, asking you to read a book by an author of color set in or about space? Look no further!
The beloved fourth incarnation of the Doctor, Tom Baker, will publish a Time Lord adventure next year entitled, SCRATCHMAN.
Carl Sagan: Professor. Science advocate. Astrophysicist. Author. Turtleneck enthusiast. Here is a collection of the best Carl Sagan quotes.