Charlotte Reber

Techie by day, writer by night, Charlotte holds a small collection of degrees in literature and creative writing which she puts to good use writing, critiquing, and just plain enjoying all kinds of underdog media, from children’s literature to comics to video games. When not fixing other people’s computers or actively breaking her own, she can be found loitering around Boston with her roommates or relaxing in Vermont with her family and her cats. Her writing can also be found at and at her personal website. Twitter: @CharlotteReber

Why NIMONA Is Important to Me

Charlotte discusses why NIMONA by Noelle Stevenson is important to her.

The Beginner’s Guide to Reading Webcomics

Want to start reading webcomics? Charlotte has a beginner's guide.

10 Ways To Support Your Favorite Webcomics

Whether you’ve got cash to spend, or are as penniless as your creator idols, here’s ten great ways you can help support webcomic creators.

Let the Games Begin: Comics About Gaming

You should definitely check out these comics about gaming.

The Curious Solitude of the Webcomics Reader

The world of webcomics is wonderful, but can be a little lonely.

NY Times Removes Comics Bestseller Lists: Why this is a problem

The New York Times removed its comic bestseller lists last week. We think that's a mistake.

‘Strong Female Protagonist’ Is the Superhero Webcomic We Need Right Now

Haven't heard of STRONG FEMALE PROTAGONIST? You're missing out on one of the best superhero comics being written.

What My Bookshelf Says About Me

On how your bookshelves are a snapshot of who you are.

Up Your Geek Stats with an Insider Look at the World of Video Game Development

A look at a new book that explores the world of women who work in video game development.

5 Great Ongoing-Story Webcomics to Dive Into

Looking to get hooked on a nice long juicy story arc with fantastic characters and great art? Hoping for heaps ...