Brandie DeRusha

With her MA in English from Rutgers University-Camden, Brandie spends her days chasing around her toddlers and writing. She loves to pair wine with her reading; preferably a Brontë, or an Elliot, or a Woolf novel. Depending on the mood. She currently lives in Florida with her husband, two kids and furry beast.

18 Books About Wolves: Their Majesty and Lore

Learn more about these majestic creatures with the best books about wolves: for children, middle-grade, YA, and adult readers.

15 Book Charities to Inspire Hope this Holiday Season

Whichever of these book charities you choose, know that you're making a positive impact on someone's life. And that is the best kind of gift to give.

16 Civil Rights Books for the Whole Family

From children's books to adult nonfiction, these are the best Civil Rights books you and your kids can enjoy to start off your own discussions.

15 Audiobooks for Those Back To School Drives

With a new school year come opportunities to make the most of your experience, and we've got the back to school audiobooks to get you there.

Reading Pathways: Where to Begin With bell hooks Books

Always wanted to read more bell hooks? These are the best bell hooks books to read, from her nonfiction to memoirs and more.

51 Good Morning Quotes That Will Get You Out of Bed

If we can figure out our mornings, we can conquer the rest of the day. Here are some bookish good morning quotes that will help you deal.

23 Children’s Books About Emotions For Kids With Big Feelings

Twenty-three of the best children's books about emotions, for kids and parents alike. Find books for preschoolers to middle grade kids.

6 Meditation Audiobooks to Help You Harness Your Inner Peace

So, you’ve been meaning to learn to meditate. However, looking up meditation audiobooks for your commute home probably looks a ...

6 Of The Best Islamic History Books To Broaden Your Understanding

Here are several #ownvoices Islamic history books that we should all be reading.

Gifts For People Who Love Audiobooks: What To Get the Audiobook Lover in Your Life

Of course, you can gift audiobooks, but what are other great gifts for people who love audiobooks? We got you handled with this list of the best ideas.

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