Anna Gooding-Call

Anna Gooding-Call is a librarian and writer originally from rural central New York. She got her BA in the city that inspired "The Twilight Zone" and confirms that the hitchhikers really are weird there. Today, she lives in Massachusetts with her wife and two cats.

Superhero Book Folding For Crafty Geeks

Superhero book folding is your answer to all those spare books that you want to look like Iron Man's mask. They're also cool as heck.

A Brief History of Presidential Autobiographies

Presidential autobiographies have a long history, but their role is changing. Retrospective memoirs are giving way to campaign bios.

Literary Cookbooks To Feed Your Soul

Literary cookbooks do more than just fill your belly. They fill your brain! Here's a sampling of cookbooks that will make you go "oh, I read that!"

Eating and Reading at the Same Time

Eating and reading at the same time is an essential skill for the bibliophile epicurean. Here are a few hacks based on our years of research.

Leander, TX Library Director Loses Job for Hosting Pride Story Time

The Leander Texas Library director has been fired for hosting Pride story time.

Tune In To These Great Libby Audiobook Hacks

If you listen to audiobooks on Libby, then you need these Libby audiobook hacks in your life.

How To Wrap A Book: 8 Unique Options

Everyone should know how to wrap a book without having to resort to basic wrapping paper. Learn about furushiki, wrapping with newspaper, and more.

Fantasy Meals Brought To Life: Sci-Fi and Fantasy Cookbooks

If you haven't yet cooked sumptuous meals of questing glory from sci-fi and fantasy cookbooks, then you haven't really cooked.

9 Great Reads From Emerging Writers

Looking for something new? Want to know the next stars of literature before your friends? This is the list of books by emerging writers you've been seeking!

How To Search Books By Color

Here is how to search books by color in Google. Don't worry, it's easy, quick, and lots and lots of fun.