Amanda Kay Oaks
A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Amanda Kay Oaks has a BFA in Creative Writing and Literature from The University of Evansville and is a current creative nonfiction MFA student at Chatham University. An AmeriCorps alum, online tutor, and literary journal editor, Amanda considers herself a professional wearer of many hats and isn't sure what she'll do if she ever actually has only one job at a time. When she isn't working, reading, writing, or pretending to be a practiced yogi, Amanda can most likely be found snuggled up on the couch with her cat, Artemis, and a plate of cookies. She tweets T.S. Eliot quotes a little too often and tries to keep up with her personal book blog, I Write Things.
Twitter: @I_Write_Things
Cover Face-Off: THE CHEMIST by Stephenie Meyer
Amanda Kay Oaks
July 6, 2017
Do you prefer the hardcover or the paperback of THE CHEMIST? Come vote!
Putting the “Book” In Cookbook: 9 Delightfully Bookish Cookbooks
Amanda Kay Oaks
June 4, 2017
Dig into these sweet bookish cookbooks
Literary Mansplaining: The Do’s and Don’ts of Dating a Reader
Amanda Kay Oaks
May 16, 2017
A handy and helpful list of the DO's and DON'Ts for dating a reader, and avoiding "literary mansplaining."
Mindy Kaling Options White House Memoir For TV
Amanda Kay Oaks
May 1, 2017
Mindy Kaling and 3 Arts Entertainment have optioned Alyssa Mastromanaco's best selling memoir.
Celebrities Doing the Write Thing: A Celebrity Book Deal Round-Up
Amanda Kay Oaks
April 17, 2017
A round-up of recent celebrity book news, from Anna Farris to the Obamas.
Run, Reader, Run: Bookish Tips for Runners
Amanda Kay Oaks
April 4, 2017
Want to dedicate more time to your running? Join a bookish reading club, sign up for a nerdy 5k, and more literary stuff for runner types!
Neil Gaiman Announces Neverwhere Sequel
Amanda Kay Oaks
February 17, 2017
Neverwhere fans, you're getting a sequel!
8 Books to Read if You Want to Make American Education Great Again
Amanda Kay Oaks
February 8, 2017
Eight books for learning about the American educational system and ideas for reform.
4 Books by YouTube Yogis to Inspire Your Practice
Amanda Kay Oaks
January 24, 2017
Books by YouTube yogis to help get you on the mat.
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