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Comics/Graphic Novels

X-Men Apocalypse Meets Garden State

Preeti Chhibber

Staff Writer

Preeti Chhibber is a marketing manager for HarperCollins Children's Books. She usually spends her time reading a ridiculous amount of Young Adult (for work, she swears!), but is also ready to jump into most fandoms at a moment’s notice. Her woefully neglected blog: Hurling Words Twitter: @runwithskizzers

The new trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse dropped yesterday, and as is the norm for super-hero trailers now days, it had an eerie cover of an old pop song.


This was a cover of Coldplay’s “Don’t Panic” – a song best known for being on the soundtrack of what was a formative movie for some of us older millennials: Garden State.

Then I did this and I’m not sorry.

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I hope there are at least a few of you standing with me in the overlap of the X-Men and Garden State circles in this Venn Diagram we call life. If not, well.

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