QUIZ: Which Fictional Librarian are You?
Librarians feel like superheroes in real life. They want to make their libraries places for everyone to learn and enjoy, and they are willing to find just the right book or article that you are seeking and/or needing. They’ll chase down that nugget of knowledge you need to know or the critical piece to your argument. On top of that, libraries house more than just books; there are a variety of classes and programs for all ages. People can learn everything from how to use a 3D printer or work with virtual reality to learn the basics of trades. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Nowadays, we are seeing more depictions of awesome librarians in the media. Some librarians are magic in finding those books — and some librarians actually do magic.
But you are here to figure out what kind of librarian that you are. In this quiz, you’ll be asked how you would run your library, from policies on overdue books to cataloging systems. Drawing from movies, television shows, and books, you will learn which librarian character you are most like. A rule keeper or rule breaker? A warrior or a witch? You’ll just have to take the quiz to find out!
Want more librarians? Check out this post about 10 of the Best (and Worst) Fictional Librarians in Literature. Plus, Being a Librarian: Expectations vs. Reality.
All the librarians you could have been:
- Marley Harris from Murder on Page One by Olivia Matthews
- Claire Hadley from The Library of the Unwritten by A. J. Hackwith
- Kaisa Hammarlund from the Hilda TV series, adapted from the Hilda graphic novels by Luke Pearson
- Wong from Marvel Cinematic Universe including: Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange 2, She-Hulk, and more, played by Benedict Wong
- Lucienne from The Sandman TV show, played by Vivienne Acheampong
- Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy and sequels