#Secret Wars

Marvel Needs to Take a Break from Events

One Rioter discusses why Marvel really needs to take a break from events.

In the Beginning There Was Doom: SECRET WARS and Hubris

With the last issue of SECRET WARS released, Brian takes a look back at the event and what it means for the Marvel universe.

Our Favorite Marvel’s SECRET WARS Tie-Ins

Wondering which of Marvel's SECRET WARS tie-ins you should pick up, now that the event is coming to a close? We've got our favorites.

What’s on your Pull List?: December 9, 2015

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics on their pull list for the week. 

What’s On Your Pull List? : November 18, 2015

Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.

5 Comics to Watch for in August

The Ladies of Marvel’s Secret Wars

One Panelteer takes a look at the lady-led comics from Marvel's Secret Wars.

Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Panelteers Are Reading in June 2015

What comics the Panels contributors are reading in June 2015.

Secret Wars: Our Most Anticipated Tie-Ins

Check out our picks for the must-read Marvel event tie-ins of the summer.

The Ladies of Marvel’s Secret Wars