#John Constantine

B-List Bonanza: John Constantine’s Tree Tattoo

Whether you've always wondered about the story behind the tree on John Constantine's butt, or just want to peep it, here you go!

Election-Themed Comics to Help You Cope While The Votes Are Counted

It's Election Day 2016 and OMG how is it not over? Here are some election-themed comics to get you through these last 12 hours until the votes are counted.

Our Favorite Comic Characters

Panelteers pick their 4 favorite comic characters and talk about them.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #6 (1988)

In which Panelteer Dave and Jay continue their HELLBLAZER reread.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #5 (1988)

We continue our HELLBLAZER coverage with issue #5.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #4 (1988)

We continue our Constantine Unfiltered series with a reread of Hellblazer #4.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #3 (1988)

We discuss Hellblazer #3 in our latest installment of Constantine Unfiltered.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #2 (1988)

Panelteers Jay and Dave continue their Constantine discussion with a reread of Hellblazer #2.

Constantine Unfiltered: Hellblazer #1 (1988)

Jay and Dave talk through Hellblazer #1 in their reread of the series that featured John Constantine.

Recap: Constantine 01×13 – Waiting for the Man

We recap Constantine 01x13: Waiting for the Man