THE SECRET HISTORY: Riot Read Kick-Off, Schedule, and Cover Retrospective
Alright folks, here we go with The Secret History by Donna Tartt. This sucker is a bit of a page-turner, so we’re going to do this in two weeks. Yea, it’s 544 pages in hardcover, but those are going to blow by. We’ll be posting here on Book Riot about the book according the following schedule.
September 11 – 17: Prologue and Chapters 1-4
September 18- 25: Chapters 5-8 and Epilogue
If you want to discuss particular chapters or post your own questions and comments, we have a dedicated place for that over on the Book Riot forums.
To get you in the proper noirish neo-classical mood, here are some of the various covers that have graced The Secret History (and some that haven’t…more below)
Penguin held an open design competition for The Secret History in 2009. Below are some of the (quite spectacular really) entries.