The Best Moments From Jonesy
Sometimes, comics are too good to last, but quite frankly, I am still upset that we only got 12 issues of Jonesy, the story of a girl with secret powers–she can make others fall in love with anyone or anything! It’s my favorite all-ages comic; full of bright colors, diverse characters, and a good balance of serious and funny moments. Jonesy is loud and dramatic and I probably relate too much to this fictional teen.
The following are the best moments from Jonesy, which is completely subjective and means I basically picked my favorite moments. Hopefully this prompts you to pick up the trades, and if you’re already a fan, please share your favorite moments from Jonesy in the comments!
1. Jonesy and Susan become friends
Jonesy #1 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen
Jonesy and Susan realize the things they assumed about each other are not really true, and they actually have some things in common. Here begins a beautiful and fun friendship between two girls, which is pretty much all I want in a comic.
2. Jonesy has a crush
Jonesy #2 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen
Jonesy admits to Susan that she does, in fact, have a crush, and it’s the most accurate depiction of having a crush I’ve seen, someone please hang this in a museum.
BONUS MOMENT: Susan has a crush on Nisha
Jonesy #2 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen
Susan reveals her crush is on Nisha, and literally no one makes a big deal out of it. It’s great.
3. Butt Dance!
Jonesy #3 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen
Jonesy meddles and tries to ruin her dad’s date, which includes making old woman fall in love with giving her dad a butt dance. It is an absolutely ridiculous moment that makes me laugh so hard each time.
4. Prom Night
Jonesy #4 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Mickey Quinn, and Corey Breen
Rather than use her powers to destroy Prom night as she planned, Jonesy uses them to give everyone (but especially Susan) a great time. Seeing Jonesy use her power for selfless reason, to help a friend, is a beautiful and powerful moment that shows how much she has grown as a friend.
5. Jonesy learns to flirt
Jonesy #5 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Fred C. Stresing, and Corey Breen
I just really appreciate that Jonesy is clueless and dorky enough to look up “How to flirt” videos on YouTube.
6. Abuelita does not help
Jonesy #6 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Jonesy learns that sometimes, the adults you rely on for all the answers and help, can’t give you the advice you need, and are of no help at all. Sometimes, you just have to do what you think is best and learn things the hard way on your own.
7. Jonesy opens up
Jonesy #7 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Throughout the first 6 issues, we see Jonesy bluster and complain about how dumb and stupid people can be, but it’s not until #7 that we learn more about her mom, the” worst person in the world”. Later in the issue, Jonesy accidentally reveals her greatest wish–that her mom would love her. It’s a heartbreaking and vulnerable image, and a pretty heavy moment, one which is carefully handled with honesty, nuance, and of course a few goofy moments.
8. Susan meets her idol
Jonesy #8 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Susan learns an important lesson about idols that many adults have yet to fully grasp—there isn’t anything special about successful people, they’re just people who put in a lot of hard work. And maybe they use children’s shampoo and don’t shave their legs.
9. Jonesy gets angry
Jonesy #9 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Seeing a teen girl’s anger manifest itself as a mean, ugly, terrifying monster that can reek havoc and destruction on a city, is very, very important and satisfying.
Jonesy #9 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Bless this team for including a panel of Oscar Isaac wearing Poe Dameron’s jacket, singing a song on the subway like Llewyn Davis.
10. Jonesy decides to protest
Jonesy #10 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
Jonesy decides to protest a new law against ferrets that she thinks is unfair. I love that through this series of events, Jonesy learns about her mom’s previous experience protesting, and her relationship with her mom has evolved to the point she can voice her worries and concerns. In this particular moment in time, it seems important that a teens opinion and concerns are not dismissed, and the protest and process is not treated as a joke.
11. Jonesy hurts her friend
Jonesy #11 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
I appreciate that the team allows Jonesy to make some pretty big mistakes, some of which involve hurting a friend, and doing a pretty bad job at trying to make amends and be a better friend. Friendship is great and important, but it can be hard, especially when you do something to mess it up, and I really like that they explore all the ramifications of Jonesy’s mistake.
12. Jonesy uses her powers on the reader
Jonesy #12 by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle, Brittany Peer, and Corey Breen
I put off reading the final issue because I didn’t want it to end, and I will fully admit to bursting out in tears when I reached the last few pages, where Jonesy breaks the fourth wall to address the reader. She uses her power to make the reader fall in love with themselves, and go and make the world a better place. Which is the most obvious and perfect way to end this delightful series, and makes me cry every time I reach the final page.
What do you think are the best moments from Jonesy?