
Beyond 2020: the Deeper Story of American Politics in the Trump Era

From sociology and political science to communication studies, these books an essays lend insight to American politics in the Trump era, including Strangers in Their Own Land by Arlie Hochschild.

Trump’s 2020 Budget Proposal Threatens to Defund Libraries

Trump's FY2020 budget proposal would end federal funding of libraries, but the American Library Association promises to fight back.

Macmillan CEO Responds to the FIRE AND FURY Furor

The CEO of Macmillan sends a letter to employees explaining the importance of publishing and defending FIRE AND FURY, a tell-all book about the Trump White House.

Trump’s Name in Pre-2016 Books

Coming across 45's name in pre-2016 books is increasingly unpleasant.

A Back-to-School Reading List for Teachers Who Didn’t Expect Trump

Books that will help teachers understand Trump's rise and help them think about how to talk to students about it.

If Trump Were a Fictional Character, These Would Be The Critiques

What editors and reviewers would say if Trump were a fictional character.

Some of Our Favorite #TrumpBiographyTitles

Twitter shares its best ideas for Trump's biography title in the #TrumpBiographyTitles hashtag.

2017 PEN America Festival & Why It Should Matter If the President Reads

On the importance of words to the American experiment, and why we need a President who cares about them.

Reading Horror in the Trump Era

How reading horror novels got a reader out of her post-election reading slump.

The Book We Really Don’t Want to Finish: #DNFTrump

The book community over on Twitter has created a wonderfully bookish hashtag on the current state of American politics.