#star wars

Dear Comics Geek, Issue 1: Grading Comics and Marvel vs. Dark Horse

At long last, Brenna is back with the first edition of Dear Comics Geek, our advice column for all the comics nerds out there!

A Geek’s Guide to Disneyland

If you're a Star Wars fan, you may want to make plans to visit Disneyland in the near future.

Comics Fetish: Volume 76

Check out this week's Comics Fetish, featuring cool Birds of Prey, Adventure Time, Star Wars, One Punch Man, and Peanuts-related merch.

The Firefly Awakens: Firefly + Star Wars Mash-Ups

With its release for obsessive repeat home viewing, it was high time for some "Star Wars: The Force Awakens + Firefly" mash-ups to join the rest!

A Reading Guide to the New STAR WARS Expanded Universe

Confused about reading order for the new STAR WARS books and comics? We've got you covered.

A Reading Guide for the New STAR WARS Expanded Universe

Confused about reading order for the new STAR WARS books and comics? We've got you covered.

Marvel Answers: Why Does C-3PO Have a Red Arm?

How does C-3PO get a red arm before THE FORCE AWAKENS? Marvel answers that question in the Star Wars: C-3PO one-shot.

The Art of the Start: POE DAMERON #1

Brian takes a look at POE DAMERON #1 by Charles Soule and Phil Noto

Comic Recommendations for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Characters

We recommend comics for characters in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

The STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE Teaser Is Here!

The Star Wars: Rogue One trailer is here! What do you think?