July 16, 2019 marked 50 years since the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. In celebration of this momentus occasion, we are sharing must-read space books for your TBR.
Explore the secrets of the universe, starting on your library bookshelf! Try these astrophysics books for ordinary people.
If you're looking for a kid's story, a book about astronomy, or a book written by an astronaut, these are some of the best children's books about space.
Looking for books for the 2019 Read Harder Challenge task, asking you to read a book by an author of color set in or about space? Look no further!
Carl Sagan: Professor. Science advocate. Astrophysicist. Author. Turtleneck enthusiast. Here is a collection of the best Carl Sagan quotes.
Melody's genre kryptonite? Space comics.
A round-up of the young adult novels which are set on Mars, in honor of Red Planet Day, for readers who love science fiction, fantasy, and space.
Histories, science reads, and more nonfiction to prepare you for the upcoming solar eclipse.
Books about the late astronaut John Glenn, the Mercury 7, and NASA history.
In this list of must-read books about space, you have space opera epics and hard science favorites. But, you'll also find some new and overlooked classics.