
Podcasts Hosted by Authors

A selection of excellent podcasts hosted by some of our favorite authors.

How To Stay Connected to the Book World (for Homebound Readers)

Because I have a chronic illness that can be debilitating, I have spent some time during the past few years ...

25 Outstanding Podcasts for Readers

Looking for something to spice up your commute? There are hundreds of bookish podcasts on iTunes. Here are 25 of the best.

Out on the Wire: Serial, Structure, and Storytelling

A great new comic about podcasts and storytelling.

A Podcast Is Teaching Me How to Read Philosophy

One Rioter talks about learning to better read and understand philosophy through listening to a podcast.

Podcast-Palooza at Book Riot Live

At Book Riot Live, we'll be doing live recordings of all our podcasts. So, for your auditory pleasure, here are starting points for each of our podcasts!

Podcasts Hosted by Authors

A selection of excellent podcasts hosted by some of our favorite authors.

Listen Up! A Pick of Comics Podcasts

Panelteer Mart rounds up comics podcasts that you might enjoy.

The Well-Readheads Take Book Expo America 2015

Rebecca and Liberty descended on NYC for this year’s Book Expo America, North America’s largest book trade show. Spoiler: Everyone ...

Three Non-Bookish Podcasts for Bookish People

Around here we’re pretty proud of the Book Riot Podcast, and rightly so (because it’s awesome). And we’ve even got ...