I can’t speak universally, but I do know that the following self-help books have greatly altered my life for the better in specific and long-lasting ways.
We've rounded up some of Mindy Kaling's favorite board books, and recommended a few children's books for storytime with her daughter.
Mindy Kaling and 3 Arts Entertainment have optioned Alyssa Mastromanaco's best selling memoir.
What one reader learned from reading books by women comedians of color.
Check out this list of excellent feminist reading one Rioter focused on for Women's History Month.
Essays, memoirs, and personal nonfiction from women to help you get through life's tough times!
Mindy Kaling is witty and charming... and she's a big reader. Here are a few of the books she's recommended over the years.
Rebecca and Liberty descended on NYC for this year’s Book Expo America, North America’s largest book trade show. Spoiler: Everyone ...
Inspired by X: A Novel, about the young life of Malcolm X; other famous people who need a YA backstory.