How do these celebrities speak to younger readers in a way the established book clubbers like Oprah or Reese don’t?
Despite countless economic recessions, bookstores have been stable. Here’s how much it costs to open that dream business.
With plenty of choices, it can be overwhelming to pick a Kindle. In this review, I shed light to the question: “Which Kindle should I buy?”
Do publishing professionals need to be concerned about the impact of AI? Experts weighed in whether AI will threaten publishing.
From 1920s jazz poets to the Black Arts Movement to TikTok, here's how spoken word poetry has evolved over the last 100 years.
Ready to read some stellar science fiction? Here are the most influential sci-fi books of the past 10 years.
A look at the controversy surrounding Truman Capote's ANSWERED PRAYERS, the salacious (and unfinished) work Capote called his magnum opus.
On paper, the publishing industry seems glamorous. But this façade belies the deep problems that persist, and one of them is the low pay.
With efforts from both readers and publishers to improve diversity throughout the years, have they affected publishing at all?
Ebook piracy has long been a problem of publishing. How easy it is to pirate ebooks these days? And how do book thieves do it?