Comedy genius Jimmy Kimmel recently provided us with his list of the 11 best movies he never saw. Most of ...
Here at Book Riot, we love books! Like, luuurve-love them. And how can you not?! Books are these freaking awesome ...
Happy Election Week — or as many of you swing staters would call it, Freedom From Annoying TV Ads Week! ...
So here’s you: You are a grown-up. You own dress pants, have your own beard, ten pounds more than you ...
I know. I know. I can hear you now: “Hey Turkey! The Harry Potter films are just adaptations of more ...
JK Rowling has revealed she toys with the idea of doing a director’s cut of the Harry Potter books. Let me be among the first to warn her off.
This trend won’t seem to die, so in the spirit of “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” we present ...
People often ask me — since I’m always reading more than one book at once — how do you keep ...
[Editor’s note: The idea for this post came from a Book Riot reader on Twitter. So thanks, S.M. Hineline!] You know ...
Sometimes, when faced with difficult real life situations, I find myself wondering how my favourite young adult heroines would feel ...